162 research outputs found

    New hypothesis on Compiuta Donzella

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    Considering the latest research, this study analyses the sonnets by Compiuta Donzella in the larger context of the writing, as well as the thirteenth-century-female autority. New hipotheses that confirm the existence of woman poet putting her in a tradition of the European scope. Collecting testimonies of different authors of her time, a scheme of intertextuality relations and her fame is plotted.Considerando le ricerche recenti, questo studio analizza i sonetti di Compiuta Donzella nel contesto più ampio della scrittura e della auctoritas femminile del Duecento. Si propongono nuove ipotesi che confermano l’esistenza della poetessa e la inseriscono in una tradizione poetica di respiro europeo. Raccogliendo le testimonianze degli autori a lei contemporanei, si traccia il quadro delle sue relazioni di intertestualità e della sua fama

    Reseña del libro de MARTÍN CLAVIJO, Milagro & BIANCHI, Mattia.

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    CERRATO, Daniele. (Universidad de Sevilla). Reseña del libro deMARTÍN CLAVIJO, Milagro & BIANCHI, Mattia. (Coords.). (2018).Desafiando al olvido: escritoras italianas inéditas. Salamanca:Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 570 págs. ISBN: 978-84-9012-886-

    Donne che si sacrificano nella Grecia antica: Alcesti

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    Sisters of Querelle. Al-Andalus Women Poets, Trobairitz and Italian Women Poets in the 13th and 14th Centuries

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    The debate on the Querelle des Femmes during the 16th and 17th centuries in Italy is based on different male and female authors’ dissertations. This Querelle des Femmes can be traced back to Italian women poets in the 13th and 14th centuries. This paper analyses some topics dealt with by these Italian women poets and studies the features they share with preceding al-Andalusian women poets and trobairitz

    «Ed io che lasciai già l’ago e la gonna»: gender issues in Laura Battiferri

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    L’articolo studia Laura Battiferri e analizza alcuni aspetti del percorso vitale e letterario della poeta, come i suoi spostamenti da Urbino a Roma e poi a Firenze, la sua presenza nell’Accademia degli Intronati, il ruolo e l’influenza nell’opera del marito lo scultore Bartolomeo Ammannati, e lo scambio epistolare con Benedetto Varchi. Oltre alle sue capacità di inserirsi ed affermarsi nel contesto sociale e culturale del suo tempo, emergono chiaramente all’interno della sua produzione alcuni dei temi che caratterizzano il dibattito letterario-accademico della Querelle des Femmes.The article studies Laura Battiferri and analyzes some aspects of the poet’s life and literary path, such as her movements from Urbino to Rome and then to Florence, her presence in the Accademia degli Intronati, the role and the influence in the work of her husband, the sculptor Bartolomeo Ammannati, and the exchange of letters with Benedetto Varchi. In addition to her ability to fit and assert herself in the social and cultural context of her time, some of the themes that characterize the literary-academic debate of the Querelle des Femmes emerge clearly within her production

    The feminine matriarchal in the Marisa Madieri’s narrative

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    This paper examines and interprets the narrative of the Italian woman writer Marisa Madieri as a rediscovering of the matriarchal female. The building of a genealogy represents a constant element within her writings. Many of these are the female archetypes directed linked to the Great Mother or Great Godness myth. In addition, there are many female metaphors that are related to the generative force and references to female mythological figures and female symbols